Saturday, September 22, 2012

Mike’s Old Fashioned Soda Fountain

Ordinarily I’d be telling you about some wonderfully exotic resort or secluded getaway where you can let your mind run free and your spirit be refreshed.  However, today I want to do something a little different. I want to share with you a little place we discovered in our own back yard.  It’s not a tourist spot nor a “just gotta see” place. It’s just a small business in our community that offers something very special to its customers.

Today I want to fill you in on one of Southeast Texas’ hidden gems that I’m betting most of the natives don’t even know about yet. But here it is, tucked away in our own back yard. Located on Port Neches Avenue in the heart of old town Port Neches, Texas is a little ice cream parlor that will take you back in time.  Mike’s Old Fashioned Soda Fountain will delight people of all ages. Indeed the last time I was here the place was packed with people ages 10 to 70 years.
I mention this place because I know that I for one am always looking for somewhere to take our out of town guests that is not just another run-of-the-mill place and not part of some touristy mall like shopping area.  The “Old Fashioned Soda Fountain” is a one of a kind venue that will help make the visit a remembered one.  In fact, Mike’s is so “old fashioned” that they do not take credit or debit cards . . . only cash and checks are accepted as payment. However, on my first visit because I was not aware of the “cash only” policy Mike offered to take my I.O.U. and let me pay next time I came in.  Now when was the last time a merchant let you do that.
The Soda Fountain  will especially appeal to those who grew up in the “Happy Days” atmosphere of the 50’s and 60’s.  Mike’s place is exactly as advertised . . . an old fashioned soda fountain. Mike Lisotta, creator and owner, has done an absolutely fabulous job of recreating this wonderfully nostalgic venue. The store is filled with memorabilia from that era. There is even jut box that plays period music.
Not only is the ambiance great but Mike serves only the best Texas ice cream . . . yep, that’s right . . . all you’ll get here is the wonderful taste of Blue Bell Ice Cream.  Whether you select a malt made on an old fashioned malt machine or a great Banana Spit (I opted for the Banana Split) you’re going to be glad you stopped by to say hello.
So, if you’re visiting us you can pretty well rest assured that somewhere along the way were headed to Mike’s Old fashioned Soda Shop and some Blue Bell Ice Cream.

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